Monday, April 15, 2013

Happiness is....

Good day everyone...
Today's post is just a random one..

Therapy is going well in case you're wondering but I just want to write some small stuffs on the blog today.

As the title of this post says...
Happiness is ....
Not Guaranteed
But importantly, Happiness is... A choice. 

Yep, that's what I think of Happiness. It's a choice we all have to make at some points in our lives.
If one always has to wait for the perfect conditions, or situations before s/he can be happy, I'm sorry to say, that individual might live most of their life a sad, sad person.

I have learned in life that our situations/conditions aren't always how we want them to be. But If you wait for everything to be perfect, you'll most likely never find happiness.
We all have to, at different points in our lives, Choose to be happy!
This isn't an easy decision, but it's a good thing to always remember. Choosing Happiness!

I am not saying one shouldn't feel or express their sadness at certain situations. So, I hope no one wants to start a debate on that. Lol.. 
This is just a general life rule I try to live by. Choosing happiness and knowing that my God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that I can imagine. - Ephesians 3:20.

EDIT (couple of days after... May 2nd to be exact): Now that I think about it, What I am explaining in this post isn't called Happiness, it's Called JOY. Inner JOY! Ha! Yep.. JOY!

Anyhoo... Today, I also have some pictures for you all from this past week (Tuesday). :-D

This next collage is what I call "The many faces of Lizzy". Lol...

And before I leave, I'd like to share a paraphrase of a message my pastor preached at church yesterday. 
These are my words, but they were inspired by my Pastor's sermon. 

Forgetting what God has previously done in our life is what derails most of us from waiting on Him for the future promises and gifts he has for us. 
Remember the testimonies of yesterday, and look up to the God who has proved times and times again that he is ABLE!!!

That's it for now, 
Till later, God Bless. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

"How's Therapy Going Lizzy"...?

Hello Everyone!

Today's post is basically another Physical Therapy Update, and more importantly to answer a question I have been asked by a couple of people since I started therapy. I also believe this is an appropriate question that'll be in the mind of most people, so why not write a blog post about it?. Lol..

Well, this is week Three since I started therapy. Yes, I know right? Time flies!!!
As stated previously, I go for physical therapy at project walk 3 times a week for 2 hours each day.

The answer to the question: How's therapy going Lizzy? Is ....
"Therapy is going well!!! There has not been a day since I started that I get home and NOT sleep! Seriously, it's that extreme to my body, at least in this beginning stage.
I am giving it my ALL and working myself out. I do what I am being instructed to do, and I've been challenged to do certain things I didn't think I had the strength or ability to do.
Project Walk Dallas has certainly helped me move past my comfort zone in a lot of ways and I must confess at this junction that there have been things I would say "NO" to at first (Because I don't want to break any bones), but they'd assure me to give it a try and they remind me I'm in a safe environment.
Everything is going as well as well is.

BUT, To Put it bluntly, I am not walking on my own yet. I haven't lost sight of my goal - which is walking, so, I will say, I am certainly working towards it with the help of the therapist and all the equipment available.

Spinal Cord Injury Recovery is a process and I am having to Train my brain and body to do things it could do before the car accident. I believe with my continued dedication, hard work, and the ultimate grace of God, I will have bigger, greater and better news for you all soon.

Please continue to pray for me, and I'll do my best to update you via this blog, my Instagram and Facebook pages. :-)

Here's a picture from today - Post therapy. I didn't have a Photographer available to take pictures of me during therapy. Lol

That's it for now y'all.
Till Later, God Bless.